Automotive Technology

Instructor:  John Schaufele

Technical knowledge and skills in: automotive core, lubrication, cooling, brakes, electrical and ignition systems. NATEF approved curriculum leading to ASE national certification in brakes and electrical/electronics systems. Second year students have an opportunity to participate in a worksite program.


Reed Loeffler (Tawas), Jacob Fanslau (WP), Cody Steinley (WP), Logan Fiske (Tawas), and Jacob Barnes (Tawas) participated in the Kirtland College Auto Olympics on Friday, February 21, 2020.

 Individual Events Included:

  • Precision Measurement

  • Torque Application

  • Maintenance/Light Repair (MLR) ASE test

  • Tool Identification

  • Fastener Identification

Logan Fiske placed Second in the Torque Application
Reed Loeffler placed Third  in Precision Measurement

Team Events Included:

  • Vehicle safety Inspection

  • Pit Crew Challenge

Jacob Barnes and Logan Fiske took  First place in the Pit Crew Challenge; with a time of 43.98!

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Automotive Technology